May be harmful to your health
Unfortunately the prolific use of glyphosate (and other pesticides and insecticides) is not only killing bees, but has also changed the integrity of the pollen that you consume as a supplement—and may now actually be detrimental to your health!
Due to the fact the bee pollen industry is highly lucrative, this potential safety issue is conveniently omitted from the advertising and marketing materials of all suppliers of pollen supplements, despite it being an issue of which they are all aware—shame on them!
Secondly, whilst the use of these dangerous chemicals is global, it is more widely used in China, so be EXTREMELY cautious if your pollen supplier imports theirs from here as the contamination levels may be even higher!
Ignore the hype from so-called ‘health’ companies selling pollen as most of them are just marketing organisations selling the cheapest pollen they can get—at greatly inflated prices. In most cases the bee pollen is probably imported from China.
The con-cept of pricing products higher to imply that a product is a better quality is a long-used psycholgical marketing tactic to increase profits—don’t be fooled by it!
Many of these companies are also guilty of being selective with the truth in their claims (as covered above), and will often also bombard you with:- email offers, SMS text messages, or various other cross-sell ‘opportunities‘.
Some companies also try to encourage you (with discount incentives) to provide positive feedback to their Google profiles—this is a tactic used to push their bad reviews further down the page in the hope people won’t see them!
There are numerous cases in the public domain about dishonest companies that have employed these corrupt practices. Search: dodgy bee pollen companies for some documented examples…
Here are links to some of the relevant studies and research we have found that confirm bee pollen may not be the elixir of life that many of it’s proponents claim:
Here are a few more Google search terms to consider:
We hope you have found our information beneficial, and that given the facts, you will now reconsider taking bee pollen as a supplement.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please fill in the form below.
We are a consumer activist group setup to help inform the unsuspecting public about the unscrupulous practices of retail organisations and individuals (both on and offline) that deliberately set out to deceive or scam people, or are less than truthful in the marketing of their products.
We’re not talking about those that sell merchantable products at a fair price, and make a fair profit… we’re out to expose the greedy, dishonest traders who lie and cheat, or knowingly deceive and are selective with the truth. If this is you—watch out!
Whilst we may never totally eradicate these traders, our constant vigilance will at least remove some of them, and ensure the others are always looking over their shoulders. And, utilising the power of social media and the internet—we’ll endeavour to make EVERYONE aware:)
We promote our efforts through advertising to specifically targeted demographics using websites and social media. As a voluntary group, with no direct income… your contributions help:)